The Profound Lessons Within Relationships: A Reflection of Our Relationship to Ourselves


Throughout my life, I have always loved team sports. I love it when a good team is playing well; they intuitively know where each other is on the field, they build each other up, and as a united group, they ignite passion in the crowd and create something quite exceptional. It's magical to watch!

On the contrary, when team members distrust each other… even a small rift can upset the overall flow and magick of their game. Even if the team wins, the crowd is uninspired and feels defeated.

The sporting example above shows the knock-on effect that our relationships have on the wider community. The individual relationships among the players affect the team as a whole, which then affects the crowd of spectators. But let's, as Metaphysicians, take it even deeper. Let's consider the centre point from which all this reverberates… YOU.  

In this article, I wish to share the importance of relationships. Not only because they build important connections and support but also because they direct us back home to ourselves. 

So, let us begin unravelling your relationships, which will ultimately direct you back to your most important relationship—your relationship with yourself.

The Hermetic Law of Correspondence: Applying the Law for Inner Healing

The Hermetic Law of Correspondence, "As above, so below, as within, so without." invites you to direct your awareness inwards by observing your external world. This law recognises that you are the centre of your universe and that all you experience and create directly represents your inner world.

That means that your relationships, projects, financial status, and physical health represent your inner connection to self. When you have good inner health, your external world is also in good health (and vice versa).

In Hermetics, we talk about the 'Fruits'. The Fruits are rewards or consequences of past effort. For example, earning money is the Fruit of your efforts at work. Yet, if we take a spiritual perspective, the fruit of your relationships are Joy, freedom to express yourself, passion and growth… actually, there are many, many fruits! (Also includes physical Fruits earned when teams come together for a common goal - i.e. when a married couple come together to build a family home)

This article presents Metaphysical concepts that draw your attention inward so that you can create a better life. A life that is joyous, abundant, and free from unnecessary suffering. This healthier inner world creates a healthier outer. Our inner world reverberates out.  

So, how do we achieve this healthier state? Let's first assess our fruits… 

**Sit with a cup of tea and consider the state of your relationships. What fruits do you see? Are your relationships supportive, trustworthy, and compassionate? Are your relationships uplifting? Do they encourage growth?

Reflective Teachers: How Relationships Reveal the State of Your Inner Harmony

Ask yourself, how are the state of my relationships? Even the ones you hide from, the ones you have run away from, escaped from, or avoided.

As you look at the health of your relationships, realise that you are looking at the health of your relationship with yourself. Your external relationships reflect our internal relationship, as the Hermetic Law of Correspondence "As within, so without" teaches us.

How we perceive, feel, think, and treat others is an important key to understanding ourselves… as this is how we feel, think and treat ourselves.

When applying this law, we turn our attention from what is out there to what is in here. For a ´fun´ experiment, if you point your finger at someone else and blame judge or neglect, try turning your finger back into yourself. Instead of directing energy externally, redirect it internally to yourself - Notice the shift in perspective?

Challenges and Rewards: Facing Weaknesses for Healing and Growth

This observation isn't for the faint-hearted. When you look honestly, it reveals your greatest pain, and that is a lot to bear. However, the payoff is freedom; you can potentially revolutionise your life.

Observing negative behaviour patterns in yourself without blaming another person is challenging, but it is necessary to view yourself without interference. You must take the other person out of the equation for the moment; otherwise, you cloud your judgement with he-said, she-said drama that is irrelevant to the exercise.

You have to put yourself in the position of perpetrator… and that is uncomfortable, to say the least. But please, only do this if you want to take control of your life.

For example, if you are in a long-standing fight, it is likely that you have a perspective that is not shared with the other person. If you take the other person out and ask yourself, "How am I responsible for this argument?" You might be surprised by the answer and the change you inflict due to this adjustment in questioning.

Your Negative Ego is always at work in these situations, telling you how right you are and how wrong they are… recycling the internal dialogue over and over. If you turn this conversation around and point the finger in, the result can be pretty shocking.

This work is for the most courageous of people because it takes the strongest hearts and the biggest love to accept and forgive yourself completely in this way. Only in this state of love can you untangle and dissolve the pain from your heart so that you can live free and unbound.

When you surrender and release yourself from those chains, you create space, allowing you to move on freely.

The Role of Relationships in Self-Discovery & Enlightenment

Ancient Mystery Schools teach that we are One. We come from One, individuated into many to experience and master the physical here on Earth, and then after graduation, we eventually reunite as One once again.  

This is a profound teaching that is covered in more depth in the Empower Thyself Class and Initiation. However, from this brief summary, it is clear that the very fabric of who we are is connected and intertwined with each other. It makes sense then that understanding our connection to other people is key to the path of enlightenment.

Therefore, if you want to evolve and grow, it is only possible to do so by looking at your connections to other people. 

Let's explore a little further.

Mapping Your Healing Journey through Relationships 

Daily Interactions: Observing Microcosms of Your Inner Health

Considering all relationships, look at your daily interactions. Not just your meaningful relationships but also with the people who briefly come into your life. Even the most minor interaction can reveal a lot.

We are eternal beings here on Earth to learn and progress to the next stage of our eternal development. No meeting with another human being is insignificant. We all play a part in each other's development because we are all one. So look deep.

If you wish to map out your healing by observing your relationships, here are some foundational questions to ask:

  • Do you have long-term relationships? Are they alive, or are they stale? What is the reason you keep this relationship?

What are you hiding from if you hold on to a stale relationship? It may reveal a lack of desire to face the truth.

  • Do you outgrow relationships quickly? Do you burn hot, and when the passion is gone, you grow bored? Does this relationship style bring Fruits or disruption?

Passion is found within; we look for it in external sources when we lack it. 

  • How's the relationship with your Mother? This is our first relationship, and it reveals a lot. 

These questions take a wider view of your relationships, and as you progress, your questions will narrow in on individual conversations and interactions. You may look at how you reacted to your partner's opinion of xyz… You might look at a chance meeting with a stranger… how did they make you feel? Why did you react in that way? How are you responsible for this interaction?

This finer level of exploration is advanced and can reveal a tremendous amount. The more you ask, the more questions you'll have! This lifetime practice evolves and shifts as you grow and shift.

Via this line of investigation, you begin to reveal behavioural patterns and emotional hot spots, guiding you to heal what is amiss.

The Dominance of the Negative Ego

Unconscious Programming: How Your Ego Controls Up to 90 Percent of Your Relationships

In the Empower Thyself Program, you are introduced to foundational teachings of the Ego. You will learn that as an Adept Initiate, your focus is on eliminating the Negative Ego, your unconscious programming.  

To summarise, the Negative Ego is not for your highest good. It actively directs you away from good and light. It is very clever at disguising itself as the voice of reason. Upon Initiation, the Adept becomes increasingly aware of their Negative Ego through the reflections of their relationships.

It's devastating to learn that your Negative Ego controls your subconscious up to 90 percent. That is a massive part of your life being run by unconscious programming! Your life experiences, conditioning, and cultural beliefs are programming your relationships without conscious awareness. In fact, only 10 percent is a conscious choice.

So, one must ask: How do I undo this and operate from a more conscious state?

Well, of course, I will recommend the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Class, as this propels the process of releasing old programming. They both allow you to see yourself in a new light while giving you the empowerment to act as a divine being for your best interests.

But let's say you have completed Life Activation and Empower Thyself…. What then?

Law of Correspondence in Action: Unraveling Lies and False Truths

Let's return to the Law of Correspondence; "As within, so without". If we apply this law to our relationships, we begin to unravel a web of lies and false truths. Here's some examples of how you can use it to map out your healing journey:

Example 1.

When talking with a friend, you grow impatient and annoyed by their limited worldviews. You've had life experiences that have led you to this point, and clearly, this guy doesn't understand or faintly recognise the truth of the world… this guy is naive and unsophisticated. You dismiss the conversation, turn your back, and say to yourself how wrong he is… he knows nothing.

If you turn this example around and direct it to yourself, what do you think you are saying about yourself?

When we point our finger out and judge another compared to ourselves, we recognise that the fault exists within us. In this example, the finger is pointed to the person with a limited worldview, and perhaps he does, yet the judgment is not of love and acceptance; it is of ill tolerance and despite.

In this example, the person making the judgement recognises that their level of sophistication could be better. They see a lack of sophistication in themselves. Perhaps they worked hard during childhood yet never entirely met Mum or Dad's expectations, which created a perfectionist mindset.

Of course, with self-love and acceptance in your heart, you view the other person with a limited worldview with kindness and compassion and see different aspects of beauty in them. You may see other qualities that are sophisticated or intelligent. You see in them a potential to be more... and this is precisely how you create a positive change!

Example 2.

Your daughter tells you that she had a fight with a friend at school. She cries and throws a tantrum, claiming that no one likes her, including the teachers… they all hate her. This physically hurts you, and you immediately want to contact the friend's parents to discuss the problem. You want to go into battle for your daughter, but you hold yourself back. Instead, you tell her how wrong the friend is and how perfect and right she is.

Is there anything more complicated than our relationship with our children or parents? In fact, the most complicated relationship is the Mother-Daughter relationship. For sure, nothing will teach us more about ourselves than the relationship we share with our family.

In this example, the parent is physically wounded by the story of the fight. The child comes home and now, in the presence of Mum or Dad, unloads…. If Mum or Dad is in balance and in a state of true love and acceptance, again, this example would be written entirely differently.

So, what is being reflected in this example? Fear of not being liked? Fear of rough emotions? A need to control and protect? The story triggers Mum or Dad, and what is on display is their own fears and insecurities.  

Notice the need to protect the child without really understanding the full story? Or fully realising that fights are normal and necessary in human development. Allowing your child to be emotional without 'fixing' their problems is a tough lesson for parents, and it only comes with acceptance and trust that they can resolve their own issues.

The Fruits of Inner Healing

Love as the Greatest Power: Building Healthy Relationships Through Self-Love

With time, as you heal past wounds, your relationships will reflect a healthier version of you. As you release core wounds such as shame, you become aware of the finer points of healing. This process takes time, consistent effort, patience, and buckets of love. As you release all that you are not, you are open to love at a larger capacity, which gives you the power and courage to move forward.

When love and acceptance are at your core, rather than blame and resentment, you are free to perceive the beauty and potential that lies in each person… because you see it in yourself! And at a quantum level, how you perceive creates your reality. So, if you perceive from this state of love and acceptance, you expand your reality to invite more of what you perceive. However, if you perceive inferiority and low self-worth, you invite in more of that.

You see more clearly, as the hurt and pain of past programming aren't clouding you. You set healthy, loving boundaries and become more generous with your love.

After all, love is the greatest power there is.

Modern Mystery School: A Way Home

Empower Thyself Initiation is of the ancient Lineage of King Salomon and propels you towards transformation and growth. This means your ability to overcome and transmute what you observe is ten times greater.  

The Initiation opens your awareness and allows you to perceive yourself with new eyes. You are then given the choice… to release or hold on. If you choose to release it, your ability to let it go becomes greater. Sometimes, observation is all that is needed.

For deeper wounds further steps are available to you like the Universal Kabbalah accession program, Healers Academy, and other healings offered by local Modern Mystery School practitioners.

After some time, your relationships begin to become healthy. You can share and interact more freely and see the beauty in each person… because you see it in yourself.


Relationships are rarely simple. There are strings attached from heart to heart, creating a complicated bundle of mess… so let's begin this important healing work. When you unravel, you come back to yourself.  

This work is important. To come home to yourself, to heal and grow. Your healing reverberates across the world. It affects the people and community around you. 

So now that you recognise the areas to be healed, how do you go about it?

Contact me for a free Chemistry Call xxx

Initiated Spiritual Guide, Healer and Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon with Modern Mystery School.

Cassandra lives in Hobart, Australia, and actively runs classes and sessions to propel you towards an empowered life.

Reveal your divine beauty and radiance within by contacting her for a free Chemistry Call.



Embracing the Seasonal Shift: Finding Harmony in Autumn's Reflection